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"Unknown" host name or IP addres on the vMA of the VMware ESXi host
Accessing web interface after installation
Adding a USB connection to vMA on VMware ESXi to establish communication
Adding the new SSL certificate into the trust list.
Changing the password to access the trust list of Power Master
Client PC shuts down/hibernates each time system starts
Client settings duplicated on virtual machines, but the Agent only interacts with one of them
Configuring SNMP settings between the Client and UPS
Difference between the NCL (Non-Critical Load) outlet and CL (Critical Load) outlet
Enabling hibernation in Windows
Establishing communication with the Client
Executing a program/script when a particular event occurs
Extending the off-delay time of Necessary shutdown time option.
Finding the IP address of the UPS/PDU/ATS
Getting a notice when a power condition has cleared
Identifying devices discovered in the software.
Installation failure
Installation file's digital signature is not valid
Network ports used by PowerMaster
Network protocol used in Power Master
No communication with the UPS in the software
PowerMaster communication failure and HID detection
PowerMaster web interface not accessible after installation
Restarting the Power Master service
Shutting Down NAS
The installer cannot be launched
The web interface is displayed abnormally due to large or tiny size on Google Chrome.
Uninstalling PowerMaster
Upgrading the virtual hardware version of vMA
Uploading the installer to vMA