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WinPower on VMware ESXi 6.7

Последнее Обновление 5 лет назад
Make sure the VMwareESXi6.7 is installed properl and enable SSH function
Make sure SSH is enabled

Install Windows OS (Windows7 and later Windows OS) on VMwareESXi6.7 as a guest OS (example here: Windows 7 on VMwareESXi6.7)

Install vmware tools of every guest OS, and configure all guest OS safely shut down before the host is shut down
Configure the USB communication port of Windows7, and connect UPS with vmware server via USB or RS232 communication cable. Make sure USB device is OK


Shutdown protection setting:

Install Winpower software on Windows 7 and make sure the communication between Winpower and UPS is OK.

Put script.zip on Windows 7, and decompress to get the two file plink.exe and ssh-windows.bat, edit the file ssh-windows.bat with notepad to add the vmware server host IP and host name and password, then put the two files (plink.exe, ssh-windows.bat) into the software installation path (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\MonitorSoftware).


Configure the shutdown parameter of Winpower to execute ssh-windows.bat file when UPS abnormal, to make sure shut down the host and all guest OS gracefully.

Make sure all guest OS have been shut down successfullyimage

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