strpos BlueWalker Technical Support

Frequently Asked Question

NMC Settings Connection (via serial port)

Last Updated 5 years ago
PowerWalker NMC Card is delivered with a special "settings cable" (RJ45 to RS232). If you encounter any problems with the card the direct connection will help you to troubleshoot the issue.

  1. Connect the RJ45 connector to NMC's "SETTING" port and the RS232 to the PC
    1. if your PC does not have the serial port, you might need to find additionally an adapter USB-to-RS232.
  2. Download and install PuTTY (free telnet client).
  3. Set up a serial connection using below parameters.
    1. Please check in advance the COM port number (the example settings shows COM1, but later the connection is established on COM5. You can find this information in Device Manager.
    2. imageimage
  4. If the connection was established, the terminal window will open.
    1. Please note the terminal window is empty. Actually the NMC card is waiting for password, but you might press enter to see the promt.
    2. image
  5. If you have pressed enter, you will see the promt for correct password. If you have typed the correct password straight away and pressed enter, you will not see this window (skip to the next).
    1. The default password is password.
  6. After typing the correct password, you will see Configuration Menu.
    1. image
  7. Type "1" and press enter to see IP Configuration. You can enable/disable DHCP server, set static IP or simply verify the Card's IP address. This menu is useful to troubleshoot connection issues (for example if you cannot find the NMC Card in the network).
    1. image
  8. The "Pass Through" is used to send direct commands to the NMC Card and to the UPS. The full protocol is a confidential document. We kindly ask our partners to contact us for details.
    1. Selected commands are public for your convenience. For example below "Q1" in a general enquiry for the UPS status.

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