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Frequently Asked Question

ViewPower Manual - 5. Function Menu

Last Updated 5 years ago

ViewPower Configuration

Password Configuration

It’s password configuration for administrator only. Before operating and configuring the software, please login first and modify the password. The default password is “ administrator” at first log in. Users can only browse UPS status and information as Guest status without login as an Administrator. Guest can NOT control or executive any setting.

Step 1 Select ViewPower Configuration>>Password.

Step 2 Enter old password, new password, and retype new password in confirm password column to modify password for administrator. (The password should be at least 6 digits) Then click “Apply” button to successfully modify password for administrator.

NOTE1: Simply click “Login” button on the top right corner to log in the software.

NOTE2: If password is forgotten, it’s necessary to re-install the software.

SMS Configuration

It’s for entering SMS receiver list. In the event of an alarm condition occurring, a message about UPS status will be sent to the specified users via mobile phone. For the event receiving list, please configure in “Event Action” column.

Step 1 Choose ViewPower Configuration >> SMS.
Step 2 Select communication port and baud rate.

Step 3 Enter mobile phone numbers in “Phone no.” column and click “Add” button to add phone no. in Receivers List. To delete numbers, simply select phone no. from “Receivers list” and click “Delete”.

Step 4 Click “Apply” button to save all changes. The “Test” button can be used to send test SMS to confirm the correct operation. If all parameters are set up correctly, system will send a test message to all receivers and pop up a successful message.
NOTE: It’s required to plug-in GSM Modem if sending SMS to mobile phone.

E-mail Configuration

This feature enables the configuration to send alarm mail by SMTP server. For the event receiving list, please configure in “Event Action” column.

To use this function, the e-mail service must be correct ly configured in the computer. All values in this function page are default empty. This action can’t be executed without the SMTP information, e-mail account and password. Besides, the sender account should be allowed for SMTP/POP3 forwarding.

Step 1 Select ViewPower Configuration >> E-mail.
Step 2 Enter SMTP server, SMTP port, Send from E-mail address, User name and password. Click checkbox of password authentication needed for password verify.

NOTE: If using Exchange Server for mailbox system, it’s required to configure Exchange server domain name in SMTP sever and select “Exchange server” . Then, click “Apply” button.

Step 3 Enter correct e-mail accounts in E-mail column. Then , click “Add” to add into receivers list. To delete e-mail account, simply select accounts from Receivers list and click “Delete” button.

Step 4 Click “Apply” to save all changes. The “Test” button can be used to send a test e-mail to all receivers to confirm correct operation. When the test e-mails are successfully sent to specific recipients, it will pop up a successful message on operated PC. Otherwise, it will pop up a failure dialog to indicate there is an error for parameter setting.

Event Action Configuration

It’s to configure response actions for UPS events. Software provides six response actions after events occur.

  1. Event record: It will record event to data log in software after events occur. This function is default selected.
  2. Computer alarm: Computer will beep to remind users after events occur. This function is only available for Windows OS.
  3. Warning dialog (local): It will pop up a message dialog around the software orange plug icon in taskbar after events occur. This function is default selected.
  4. Broadcast: It will send the event message to all PCs with software installed in LAN network.
  5. SMS: It will send the event message to specific mobile phone numbers after events occur.
  6. E-mail: It will send the event e-mail to assigned e-mail accounts after events occur.
Step 1 Select ViewPower Configuration >> Event Action.
: The displayed event list may be different for different types of UPSs.

Step 2 Select a specific event from “Event List” and then action method page will be active on the right-hand column.

Step 3 Select desired action methods by clicking checkbox.

Step 4 Click “Apply” button to save all configurations.

NOTE1: When editing receiver list in SMS or e-mail columns, it’s necessary to refresh the event action page to reload the updated receiver list.

NOTE2: It is requested to have following requirements for successful broadcast.

1. All receiving PCs must have installed software.
2. It’s only able to send the message to the PCs in LAN found in UPS Navigation.


It will manage the list for wake on LAN and test the function.

After adding MAC address of remote PCs into MAC list, it will allow remote control the PCs. However, it’s also required to have hardware support for remote PCs to implement this function.

Step 1 Select ViewPower Configuration >> Wake -on-LAN.
Step 2 Add: Enter MAC address and click “Add” button to add in MAC List.

Delete: Select one from list and click “Delete” button.

Test: Select one from list and click “Test” button. Then , it will execute Wake-on-LAN test.

NOTE: The example of MAC address format: 01-1F-C6-C7-E0-08.

Com. Port Plug And Play Setting

To real-time monitor UPS device, the software will scan each com. port anytime. In this way, it will occupy com. port. This function will release some com. ports which not connect to UPS devices. To avoid any improper operation, in-used com. ports will display in disabled grey icons. Users can select “Enable” or “Disable” to control whether to scan com. port or not. If it’s allowed to scan, i t will be listed in screen . Then, users can select “Allow scanned” or “forbid scanned” to re-scan or release com. ports based on their requirements.

Step 1 : Select ViewPower configuration>>Com. port plug and play setting.
Step 2 : Click “Refresh” to reload the status of com. ports.

Step 3 : Click “ Forbid scanned” to stop scanning on this com. port. Click “Allow scanned” to start scanning on this com. port.

Log Setting

Users can set up Record Interval, The max. number of logs for historical data and The max. number of logs for historical events according to real situation.

Record interval: indicated how long to record data. The setting range for “ Record internal” is 30~600 seconds. It will effect history data displayed under View –> History .

The max. number of logs for historical data: indicated how many data logs will be saved in history. The setting range is 100000~100000000. It will effect displayed data under View –> History.

The max. number of logs for history events: indicated how many event logs will be saved in history. The setting rang is 100000~100000000. It will effect displayed data under View -> Event log.

Step 1 Select ViewPower configuration>>Log setting.

Step 2 Enter value in the column.

Step 3 Click “Apply” button to save all settings.

Step 4 Click “Default” button to recover the default setting.

ModBus Communication Setting

It will display all connected PCs through ModBus .

Step 1 Select ViewPower configuration>> ModBus Communication Setting

Step 2 Password setting/change menu for ModBus.

NOTE: Some UPS models are requested to have password control in unit. Therefore, real-time control will be only available when the ModBus password is the same to the UPS password.

Step 3 Com. port setting :

  • The default ID for nominated com. port is 1.
  • Selectable baud rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200. The default setting is 4800.
  • Selectable data bit is 7 and 8. The default setting is 8.
  • Selectable stop bit is 1 and 2. The default setting is 1.
  • Supported parity is ODD parity, even parity and NONE. The default setting is NONE.

NOTE: This function is only available for the UPS with ModBus communication port.

UPS Setting

Local Shutdown

It’s shutdown setting for local PC which is directly connected to monitored UPS with communication port. This configuration enables system shutdown of local PC or to remote shut down PCs which are powered by monitored UPS.

Step 1 Select UPS Setting >> Local Shutdown or click shortcut iconimage.
NOTE: This screen may be different for different types of UPSs.

Step 2 Select shutdown conditions and power-off options, set delay time to shutdown system.

Step 3 Enter time for pop-up dialog before shutdown and warning interval in Warning Dialog Setting area.

Step 4 Click “Apply” button to save all data.

NOTE: Click “Default” button to recover the default setting.


  • When the UPS is running from battery, shut down local system after xx min xx sec: When clicking the checkbox, local PC will start to shut down after monitored UPS works on battery mode for xx min xx sec time. The maximum setting number for minutes is 999 and for seconds is 59.
  • Also shut down UPS after shutting down the local system : When click ing this checkbox, monitored UPS will shut down after local system shuts down. The UPS shutdown time will be later than system complete shutdown time. The default setting is clicked. But users can choose to shut down the system without shutting down the monitored UPS by unclicking this checkbox .
  • When UPS battery is running low, shut down the local system immediately : When clicking this checkbox, local PC will shut down when monitored UPS battery is running low.

  1. UPS shut down based on UPS model: Only >3KVA standard UPS model will automatically shut down. However, long-run models and UPSs with above 5KVA will remain on.
  2. UPS will shutdown immediately: UPS will shut down immediately no matter what kind of UPSs.
  3. UPS is still on: UPS will remain on until battery is running out.

  • Remote shutdown: When clicking the checkbox, local PC accepts shutdown command from designated remote PCs. Please enter IP address of remote PCs in blank column and click “Add” button to add into list.
  • When a scheduled shutdown is triggered, local system will shut down or go to sleep: When clicking this checkbox, the local system will shut down or go to sleep before monitored UPS is scheduled to power off. The default setting is clicked. Schedule On/Off for UPS scheduled shutdown setting.
  • Shutdown: When clicking the checkbox, the selected system will shut down. The default setting is clicked.
  • Go to sleep: When clicking the checkbox, selected system will suspend the system instead of a normal shutdown. But this function is only supported by Windows 2000 or higher on supported hardware.

Time to wait before shutting down the local system: Enter the waiting time to shut down the operating system. The value range is from 1 to 99 minutes.

File to execute when shutting down : Enter the path of execute file.

Maximum file execute time: Enter the waiting time to execute file.

Warning Dialog Setting:

  • Pop-up dialog before shutdown: Timer setting for pop-up warning dialog displayed in local PC. Local PC will pop up a warning dialog before system starts to shut down. The range is from 1 to 999 seconds.
  • Warn me again every x sec.: Reminding dialog interval setting. This setting is also applied for UPS shutdown because of power failure. The range is from 1 to 999 seconds.

Remote Shutdown

This configuration is to remote shut down specific PCs which are powered by monitored UPS.

Step 1 Select UPS Setting >> Remote Shutdown.
Step 2 Select remote shutdown conditions.

Step 3 Add/Delete remote system IP address.

Step 4 Click “Apply” button to save all data.

NOTE: Click “Default” button to recover the default setting.


  • When the UPS is running from battery, shut down the remote systems after xx min xx sec: When clicking the checkbox, remote systems which are powered by monitored UPS will shut down after monitored UPS running on battery mode for xx min xx sec. The maximum setting number for minutes is 999, and for seconds is 59.
  • Immediately shut down the following remote systems when the battery is running low : When clicking the checkbox, remote systems which are powered by monitored UPS will shut down when monitored UPS is at low battery level.

Parameter Setting

Some UPS functions can be set and changed via software. Parameter setting includes backup time setting for P1, battery number setting, voltage and frequency range setting for bypass mode, and voltage range setting for ECO mode.

Step 1 Select UPS Setting >> Parameter Setting.
NOTE: This screen may be different for different types of UPSs.

Step 2 Select the functions by clicking “Enable” or “Disable” button. Or change the numbers by clicking up-down arrows or modify the numbers directly in the number column.

Step 3 Click “Apply” button to save the settings. Each function setting is saved by clicking each “Apply” button.

NOTE1: Any functions which are not supported by UPS will not be able to access.

NOTE2: Click “Default” button to recover the default setting.

  • UPS alarm : If enabled, UPS alarm will be activated. Vice versa.
  • Alarm at bypass mode: If enabled, UPS alarms when it’s working at bypass mode. Vice versa.
  • Alarm at battery mode: If disabled, UPS will not alarm when it’s working at battery mode. Vice versa.
  • Auto reboot: If enabled, UPS will auto restart when AC is recovering. Vice versa.
  • Bypass when UPS is off: If enabled, AC power will directly provide power to connected devices when UPS is off. Vice versa.
  • Converter mode: If enabled, the UPS will operate in converter mode. Vice versa.
  • ECO mode: If enabled, the UPS will operate in ECO mode when input voltage is within acceptable range. Vice versa.
  • Advanced ECO mode: If enabled, the UPS will operate in advanced ECO mode when input voltage is within acceptable range. Vice versa.
  • Green power function: If enabled, the UPS will cut off if detecting no load connected. Vice verse.
  • Cold start: If disabled, the UPS can be turned on only when AC is normally connected to UPS. Vice versa.
  • Bypass not allowed: If enabled, the UPS will not transfer to bypass mode under any conditions. If disabled, the UPS will be allowed to transfer to bypass mode according to UPS internal setting.
  • Battery deep-discharge protection: If enabled, the monitored UPS shutdown in accordance with the condition of battery and load on battery mode to protect battery. Vice versa.
  • Site fault detection: If enabled, the monitored UPS will beep when the input neutral and hot wires are reversed. Vice versa.
  • P1 Programmable outlet control (battery mode): If enabled, when UPS is running at battery mode, it will cut off P1 outlets after backup setting time arrive. If disabled, UPS will provide continuous power to P1 outlets until the battery is running out.
  • Limited runtime on battery mode: If enabled, users can set limited backup time for P1 outlets when UPS is on battery mode.
  • Battery numbers setting:
    • Numbers in parallel: set battery numbers in parallel.
  • Voltage and frequency range for bypass mode: Set acceptable voltage and frequency range in bypass mode.
    • Maximum and minimum voltage: When UPS is on bypass mode and input voltage is out of setting range, UPS will enter battery mode.
    • Maximum and minimum frequency: When UPS is on bypass mode and input frequency is out of setting range, UPS will enter battery mode.
  • Voltage range for ECO mode: Set acceptable voltage range for ECO mode.

Purchasing Information

Users can enter UPS purchasing date, battery purchasing date, UPS warranty time, battery warranty time, battery lifecycle, battery replacement reminder.

Step 1 Select UPS Setting >> Purchasing Information.
Step 2 Please fill out purchasing information.

Step 3 Click “Apply” button to save all data.


Real-time Control

Step 1 Select Control >> Real-time Control or click shortcut iconimage.
NOTE: This screen may be different for different types of UPSs.

Step 2 Choose real-time control function by clicking “Start” button on each function section.

You can real-time control the UPS by executing following operation:

  • Alarm control : Click “On” to turn on the UPS alarm and “Off” to turn off the UPS alarm immediately.
  • Turn UPS On/Off: Click “On” to turn on the UPS and “Off” to turn off the UPS immediately.
  • Battery Self-Test: Software offers three types of battery self-test: 10-second self-test, deep discharge test, and self-defined test. If self-defined test is selected, please also enter the test duration. Simply clicking “Start” button from each type. It will execute the self-test immediately.
  • Outlet Control: It will cut off P1 outlets when setting time arrives. When entering 0 in timer column and click “Start” button, it will cut off outlets immediately when UPS works in battery mode.

Scheduled On/Off

Scheduled UPS on/off can be executed once, daily, weekly. In “Scheduled On/Off Setting”, users can set up UPS on/off timer . It is recommended to set only one action in the same time. If multiple actions have been set at the same time, some of these actions may be ignored. Any actions which are not supported by the UPS will be ignored.

NOTE: Be sure to click checkbox of “shutdown trigger” in section Local shutdown. Otherwise, this schedule on/off can’t be executed well.

Step 1 Select “Control” >> Scheduled On/Off.
Step 2 Set frequency and on/off timer on the right column.

NOTE: Rules for setting time.

Daily schedule – Power-off time should be earlier than power-on time. It is only applied to set power-on and power-off time within the same day.

Weekly schedule – Power-off time should be earlier than power-on time. It is only applied to set power-on and power-off time within the same week.

Step 3: Click “Add” to add task. If task is successfully set, it will display on the task table on the left-hand side. Select specific task and click “Delete” button to delete the task.

Scheduled Battery Self-Test

Scheduled battery self-test can be executed once, daily, weekly, or monthly. In the window of “Scheduled Battery Self-Test Setting”, users can choose time parameters. It is recommended to set only one action in the same time. If multiple actions have been s et at the same time, some of these actions may be ignored. Any actions which are not supported by the UPS will be ignored.

Step 1 Select Control >> Battery Self-Test.
Step 2 Select frequency, method and time parameters.

There are three self-test methods:
  • 10-second self-test: Battery will discharge for 10 seconds.
  • Self-test: Users can set battery discharge time for self-test.
  • Deep test: This test will let battery discharge until it’s in low battery level.
Step 3 Click “Add” to add task. If task is successfully set, it will display on the task table on the left-hand side. Select specific task and click “Delete” button to delete the task.



(i) Power Flow

In the Power Flow window, it’s shown the internal dynamic working scheme of the UPS. Green/black flow means OK and working. Grey bar means that the object is present but not in use at the moment. There are four information blocks to display details for input, output, UPS and battery information.

  • Input information includes input voltage and input frequency.
  • Output information includes output voltage, output frequency, load level, and output current.
  • UPS information includes UPS mode, UPS temperature.
  • Battery information includes battery voltage and battery capacity.
Select View >> Status >> Power Flow or click shortcut iconimage.
NOTE: This screen may be different for different types of UPSs.

(ii)UPS Info

Select View >> Status >> UPS Info.
NOTE: This screen may be different for different types of UPSs.

In the UPS Info window, it’s shown detailed UPS real-time information.


In the Diagram window, it’s shown real-time monitored UPS data including voltage, frequency, load, battery, temperature information in diagram.

Step 1 Select View >> Status >> Diagram.
NOTE: This screen may be different for different types of UPSs.

Step 2 Select monitoring parameters on left-hand tab to switch diagram display.

  • Input voltage monitoring shows any change for input voltage.
  • Output voltage monitoring shows any change for output voltage.
  • Input frequency monitoring shows any change for input frequency
  • Output frequency monitoring shows any change for output frequency.
  • Load level monitoring shows any change for connected load level
  • Battery capacity monitoring shows any change for connected battery capacity.
  • UPS temp. Monitoring shows any temperature change for monitored UPS.
Step 3 Time interval setting, I t displays real-time data changes in certain interval. To change time interval in X-axis of diagram, simply click up-down arrows and then click “Refresh” icon to get the updated diagram with new setting interval.


(i)Event Log

In the Event Log window, it’s shown all history events. Users can analyze the history data and improve the current electricity environment according to history data.

Step 1 Select View >> History >> Event Log.
Step 2 Select UPS from com. port list. Users still can retrieve old data saved in the software even though the UPS is no longer connected to local system.

Step 3 Select time period by clicking calendar icon. Then click “Browse” button to get list of all history events during selected period time.

Step 4 Print/Delete/Export function keys

  • “Print”: Click “Print” button to print the current event log.
  • “Delete/Delete All” : To delete specific event, simply select that event and then click “Delete” button. Or click “Delete All” button to delete all history events on the listed table.
  • “Export”: Click “Export” button to save listed table to local PC in .CSV file.

(ii)Event Statistics

It will list down and provide all event statistics for UPSs with software installed based on time period A and time period B, and the change percentage [= 100*(B/A – 1)%].

NOTE: Event types include UPS internal event, bypass event, battery event, software event, load event, input event, parallel system event and communication event.

Step 1 Select View >> History >> Event Statistics. Or click shortcut iconimage.
Step 2 Select UPS from com. port list. Users still can retrieve old data saved in the software even though the UPS is no longer connected to local system.

Step 3 Select two periods from clicking “calendar” icon. Then click “Browse” button. The result statistics will be listed in below table according to event types.
Step 4 Click “Print” button to print event statistics.


In the window of Data, it shows UPS power data in figures during selected period time. Software also offers print, save as, and delete functions.

Step 1 Select View >> History >> Data.
NOTE: This screen may be different for different types of UPSs.

Step 2 Select UPS from com. port list. Users still can retrieve old data saved in the software even though the UPS is no longer connected to local system.

Step 3 Select the starting time and ending time by clicking calendar icon. Then click “Browse” button to get the data table.
  • “Print”: Print the listed data table.
  • “Delete”: Select specific data and click “Delete” button to delete the record.
  • “Delete All”: Click “Delete All” button to delete all records on the listed table.
  • “Export”: Click “Export” button to save listed table to local PC in .CSV file.


In the Diagram window, it shows UPS power data in diagram during selected period time. UPS power data includes input voltage, output voltage, input frequency, output frequency, load level, battery capacity, and UPS temperature.

Step 1 Select View >> History >> Diagram.
NOTE: This screen may be different for different types of UPSs.

Step 2 Select UPS from com. port list. Users still can retrieve old data saved in the software even though the UPS is no longer connected to local system.

Step 3 Select cycle and period time. Then click “Browse” button to get the diagram.

Step 4 Select monitoring parameters on left-hand tab to switch diagram.


Temperature Unit: There are two temperature units for selecting: Centigrade and Fahrenheit. Default setting is centigrade.

Date Format: There are nine formats for date display:



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