Frequently Asked Question
WinPower Manual - 2. Software Installation & uninstall
Last Updated 5 years ago
Software running environment
System requirement
1. 256MB hard disk space at least.
2. TCP/IP protocol must be installed to support network management.
3. For local connection, an available communication port (RS-232 Serial Port or USB port) is needed to connect UPS with a communication cable.Note: the OS should support JDK 1.7 at least, or the software won’t work normally.
Software installation▲ Software installation must be run with administrator of system.
▲ When installing software on Windows 2008/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10/Windows 2012, user should right click the “setup” icon, and select the menu “Run as administrator”, there will be a dialog “user account control” pop-up, user should select “allow” button to continue installation.
On Windows, Enter \Windows, double click setup.exe to start the installation, there will be installation interface shown. Please refer to figure Serial Number for WinPower Software is: 511C1-01220-0100-478DF2A
On Linux, copy Linux and InstallerData file, or copy LinuxAMD64 and InstallerData file, enter Linux or LinuxAMD64 file to start installation, the installation interfaces are same as section 2.2.1.
The command ./setup.bin is for GUI mode, the command ./setup_console.bin is for CUI mode.
Please note: Linux is for i386/i586/i686 Linux system, LinuxAMD64 is for x86_x64 Linux system.
On Mac OS, for Mac 10.6 or earlier OS, please enter \MacOSX file, double click the to start the installation. For Mac 10.7 and later OS, please enter \MacOSX10.7andLater file, double click .mpkg file to start the installation.
Other OS
Copy other OS installation file and InstallerData file, enter OS file, and execute ./setup.bin for GUI mode or setup_console.bin for console mode.
For example, on AIX OS, copy AIX file and InstallerData file, Enter AIX file, execute ./setup.bin for GUI mode or setup_console.bin for CUI mode to start the installation.
Start software
Run software from Start\All Program\PowerWalker-WinPower will start the Tray and Agent. Please refer to figure
There will be a green icon shown on the task bar after software starts. That means the agent is running normally. Please refer to figure
Figure“Start Agent” is to start agent; “Stop Agent” is to stop agent; “Start Monitor” is to start management interface; “Exit” is to exit agent service.
▲ On Windows 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 2012, once you click “Exit”, the agent will exit, if you wants to start software again, you should restart computer, or act as an administrator to start the service “UPSmonitor” in the task manager and then start software from “start” menu, the green icon will be shown on the task bar.
Mac OS
The default installation path is /opt/MonitorSoftware, enter the installation path and then input the command: sudo ./agent start to start agent, input the command: sudo ./monitor to start software management interface.
Other OS
The default installation path is /opt/MonitorSoftware, enter the installation path and then input the command:./agent start to start agent, input the command: ./monitor to start software management interface.
▲ Software management interface should be closed and the agent should be exited, or else software can’t be uninstalled totally.
Close software management interface, exit software agent from “Exit” menu referring to in figure, and then uninstall software from “start” menu, please refer to figure
Please note: user also can uninstall software from “add or remove programs” component.
- On Windows 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 2012, user should act as administrator when uninstalling software, select “Run as administrator” from the pop-up menu. If there is “user account control” dialog shown, please select “allow”.
Mac OS
Close software management interface, enter software installation file, input command: sudo ./agent stop to stop software agent, and then input command: sudo ./Uninstall to uninstall software.
Other OS
Close software management interface, enter software installation file, input command:./agent stop to stop software agent, and then input command:./Uninstall to uninstall software.