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WinPower Manual - 3. Main Functions Introduction

Last Updated 5 years ago
Software management

Be software administrator and modify password

▲If the user wants to configure software setting, user should be administrator of the software first. The default right is read-only, can’t configure settings.

Be software administrator: select the agent name (computer name) in the tree view of software interface, and click the “Act as Administrator” item of “System” menu, there will be a dialog shown, please refer to figure Input password and click “OK” button. If the password is not correct, there will be message to inform user; if the password is correct, user can act as administrator of software, and can configure software settings.


The default password is “Administrator ”, when user acts as administrator of software, user can change password, click “Modify Administrator Password” item of “System” menu, there will be a dialog shown, please refer to figure Input new password and double check, and click “OK” button. User should input new password to act as administrator next time.



The communication port setting

Click “COM Port Setting” item of “System” menu to open the setting dialog

For the Windows OS, all the Serial ports will show in the “Communication Port Setting” as below image. Please choose your serial ports connected to the UPS.

The software will search the first 4 ports as default if no serial ports are chose.

For example:

UPS connect to the COM13 and COM15, COM13 and COM15 aren’t included in the first four serial ports.

Please choose COM13 and COM15 in the “Communication Port Setting” firstly, then click “Auto Search Device” to search the devices.


▲ For Linux and Unix OS, you should add the other serial ports manually.

please refer to 3.1.2.

Figure 3.1.2

Searching Device automatically

User should click “Auto Search Device” item of “System” menu to search for new UPS, and set up communication between software and UPS. Software can search for all the UPS connecting to the communication ports.

Right-Click the agent, User can get the inventory from the device including Location, IP address, Model, device status, Link(only for SNMP device), serial number.


Figure 3.2

The monitoring with local agent

Communication mode

COM port communication

Software communicates with UPS via COM port.

The requirement: there should be RS232 hardware port or RS232 virtual port in computer, RS232 communication cable, UPS with RS232 port.

▲ Software can communicate with 4 UPS via RS232 port at most at the same time.

USB communication

Software communicates with UPS via USB port.

The requirement: there should be USB hardware port in computer, USB communication cable, UPS with USB port.

▲ Software can communicate with 32 UPS via USB port at most at the same time.

Device status view

Select UPS node, then the UPS flow chart and UPS parameters will be shown, please refer to figure 3.3.2
imageFigure 3.3.2

Device control parameters setting

Select UPS node, click “Device control parameters” item of “Device” menu to configure UPS control parameters. The content of “Device control parameters” depends on UPS type. Different UPS type has different UPS control parameters. Most UPS support parameter setting, but some UPS can’t support parameter setting. When you select UPS node, and then find “UPS control parameters” item is grey, that means the UPS don’t support parameter setting.

▲Please refer to UPS user manual to learn how to configure UPS control parameters

The control parameters dialog of some UPS, such as figure 3.3.3.


Figure 3.3.3

UPS shutdown control

When UPS is abnormal, software will shut down UPS output. There are five conditions, no matter which one condition met, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

Condition 1: When the battery backup time is exhausted after AC fail, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

Condition 2: When UPS battery low, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

Condition 3: When UPS battery capacity is at the setting value or lower, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

Condition 4: When UPS battery remaining time is below the setting value, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

Condition 5: Schedule shutdown UPS output on specific time or weekly.

Condition 1, 2, 3 and 4 should be set on “Shutdown Setting” dialog, please refer to Open “Shutdown Setting” dialog by clicking “Shutdown Parameter” item of “Device” menu.



When the battery back-up time is exhausted after AC fail, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

Select the checkbox of “Allow battery to discharge for” and set the backup time according to UPS load. The default value of battery backup time is 10 minutes.

When AC fails, software will inform user the input of UPS is abnormal and how long time UPS output will be shut down. When the backup time is exhausted, software will send shutdown command to UPS. When the system shutdown need time is exhausted, UPS output will shut down. The default value of system shutdown need time is 2 minutes. So UPS battery should have the ability to supply power to key device for the time, the value of the time should be longer than the value of battery backup time added the value of system shutdown need time.

When UPS battery low, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

Select the checkbox of “Begin shutdown immediately when battery is low”, when AC fails, software will inform user the input of UPS is abnormal and send shutdown command to UPS.

When UPS battery capacity is at the setting value or lower, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

Select the checkbox of “Begin shutdown when UPS battery is at 40% capacity or lower”, when AC fails, software will inform user the input of UPS is abnormal, when UPS battery is 40% or lower, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

When UPS battery remaining time is below the setting value, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

Select the checkbox of “Shut down when remaining battery time is below 2 min”, when AC fails, software will inform user the input of UPS is abnormal, when UPS battery remaining time is below the setting value, software will send shutdown command to UPS.

Condition 5 should be set on “UPS on/off Manager” dialog, please refer to figure “UPS on/off Manager” dialog can be opened by clicking “UPS on/off Schedule” item of “Device” menu.


Schedule shutdown and restart UPS output on specific time or weekly

User can set schedule shutdown task on “UPS OnOff Manger” dialog: UPS shutdown on the specific time and UPS shutdown weekly. The time UPS shutdown can last for time range from 1 to 9999 seconds. That means the time from UPS output shutdown to output restart can be set from 1 to 9999 seconds.

The shutdown task list and the calendar are shown on the dialog. On the calendar, the red point is schedule shutdown task; the green is schedule restart task; the blue point is schedule battery self-test task. User can add schedule shutdown task by “Add UPS OnOff” button, and modify or remove schedule shutdown task by “Modify” or “Remove” button.

▲The time of new task can’t be same as the task that has been added.

When schedule task has been added, software will pop up warning dialog to remind user that UPS will be shut down. The shutdown warning dialog will pop up at the time interval, the warning time interval and the time begin to count down can be set in the “Shutdown Setting” dialog. Please refer to figure

The schedule shutdown task can be shown on “View Schedule” dialog. The dialog can be opened by “View Schedule” item of “Device” menu. Please refer to figure


Battery control parameter setting

Select UPS node, click “UPS Battery Parameters” item of “Device” menu to configure battery control parameters. The content of “UPS battery parameters” depends on UPS type. Different UPS type has different battery control parameters. Most UPS support parameter setting, but some UPS can’t support parameter setting. When you select UPS node, and then find “UPS Battery Parameters” item is grey, that means the UPS don’t support parameter setting.

▲Please refer to UPS user manual to learn how to configure battery control parameters

The battery control parameters dialog of some UPS, such as figure 3.3.5.

Figure 3.3.5

Battery self-test

UPS battery should be in good status to supply power to key device when AC fails. So battery self-test function is very important to check battery status.

Battery self-test includes battery self-test immediately and schedule battery self-test.

Battery self-test type:

  • Battery self-test for 10 seconds
  • Battery self-test until battery low
  • Battery self-test for N minutes, the range of N is from 1 to 99, default value of N is 10 minutes.
    • Pop-up real time warning dialog
    • E-mail message alarm
    • SMS alarm

Battery self-test immediately

Open “Battery Self-Test Now” dialog by the “Battery Self-Test Now” item of “Device” menu, select self-test type and battery test will begin. Please refer to figure

If UPS doesn’t support the battery self-test type, the battery self-test type will be grey. User only can select other self-test type that UPS support.


Schedule battery self-test

Open “UPS Test Manger” dialog by the “Battery Self-Test Schedule” item of “Device” menu. Please refer to figure


User can set battery self-test task on “UPS Test Manger” dialog: UPS battery self-test on the specific time and UPS battery self-test monthly. There are three battery self-test types selected: self-test for 10 seconds, self-test until battery low, self-test for N minutes.

The battery self-test task list and the calendar are shown on the dialog. On the calendar, the blue point is schedule battery self-test task. User can add schedule battery self-test task by “Add Test” button, and modify or remove battery self-test task by “Modify” or “Remove” button.

The schedule battery self-test task can be shown on “View Schedule” dialog. The dialog can be opened by “View Schedule” item of “Device” menu. Please refer to figure

User can cancel the current UPS battery test by “Cancel Current Battery Self-test” item of “Device” menu.

UPS log

Software monitors UPS, and will log UPS data and the abnormal event at the same time. Data and event log can help service engineer check problem.

Record setting

Open “Record setting” dialog by clicking “Record setting” item of “Logs” menu to configure log parameter. Such as how many event logs can be recorded, how many data log can be recorded, data log interval. Please refer to figure


The default value of event log file is 600 rows. The max value of event log file can be set 10000 rows.

The default value of data log file is 10000 rows. The max value of data log file can be set 10000 rows.

The default data log interval is 60 seconds. The interval range can be set from 1 to 3600 seconds.


If the rows has met the max value, half of the older rows will be deleted, new log will append to the end of the remainder log.

Data log

Click “Data Log” item of “Logs” menu to open “Data Log Viewer” dialog to view data log, please refer to figure Select each communication port to refer to specific UPS data logs, select all to refer to all UPS data logs.

Select the check box of each data log, and click “Delete” button to delete data log.

User can export data log file by “Export” button.



Click “Event Log” item of “Logs” menu to open “Event Log Viewer” dialog to view event log, please refer to figure Select the check box of each event log, and click “Delete” button to delete event log. User can export event log file by “Export” button.


Load Segment Control setting

Select UPS node, click “Load Segment Control” item of “Device” menu to configure load segment parameters. If you select UPS node, and then find “Load Segment Control” item is disabled, that means the UPS don’t support load segment function. If you select UPS node, and then find “Load Segment Control” item is enabled, that means the UPS support load segment function.

When the shutdown timer is -1, the setting means the load segment won’t shut down automatically when AC fails.

When the shutdown timer is 0, the setting means the load segment will shut down immediately when AC fails.

When the shutdown timer is the value between 1 and 32767, the setting means the load segment will shut down after the setting value time when AC fails.

When the startup timer is -1, the setting means the load segment won’t restart automatically when AC restores.

When the startup timer is 0, the setting means the load segment will restart immediately when AC restores.

When the startup timer is the value between 1 and 32767, the setting means the load segment will restart after the setting value time when AC restores.

The “Load Segment control” dialog of some UPS, such as figure 3.3.8.

Figure 3.3.8

Battery test to low took less than setting minute

Select UPS node, click “Battery Test Setting” item of “Device” menu to configure the time for the “Warning if battery test to low time is less than _ Mins”,The default value is 3 min


Figure 3.3.9

If the time for the “Battery self-test to low” is lower than the setting value, software will log the warning alarm “Battery test to low took less than setting munutes” and attach the actual battery self-test time, please refer to the below image


Warning event notification method

When UPS status is abnormal, software will notify user to let user learn UPS status as soon as possible, and then user can take action according to warning event notification.

Real time warning dialog

When UPS status is abnormal, software will pop up warning dialog to notify user.

Warning dialog on local computer means that the warning dialog will pop up on local computer communicating with UPS when UPS status is abnormal.

Open “Event Action” dialog by clicking “Event Action” item of “Device” menu to set warning dialog pop-up or not. Please refer to figure 3.4.1.

Figure 3.4.1

E-mail notification

When UPS status is abnormal, software will send E-mail notification about abnormal event. Open “E-mail Settings” dialog by clicking “E-mail Setting” item of “Tools” menu. Please refer to figure 3.4.2.

User also can open “Event Action” dialog by clicking “Event Action” item of “Device” menu to set E-mail function.

Figure 3.4.2

SMTP server name is the SMTP server to send e-mail to user. User can input SMTP server name or server IP address according to SMTP server.

The name and phone number of sender information can be set by user, the setting information will be shown in e-mail content.

After you add user e-mail address and select the abnormal event in the event list and select e-mail address, when the abnormal event happens, software will send e-mail to the e-mail address.

There are 20 e-mail addresses in the list at most.

SMS notification

When UPS status is abnormal, software will send SMS notification about abnormal event. Open “SMS Setting” dialog by clicking “SMS Setting” item of “Tools” menu. Please refer to figure 3.4.3.

User also can open “Event Action” dialog by clicking “Event Action” item of “Device” menu to set SMS function.

Figure 3.4.3

Select port that connects with modem. The modem should support GSM function. Select the baud rate, such as 9600. The value is different depending on different modem model. Here, attention should be paid: if users have previously used to send short messages with other software, the software will be the default baud rate into previous baud rates, so you should test one by one to find proper SMS baud rate.

Select the abnormal event in the event list and select phone number, when the abnormal event happens, software will send SMS to the phone number. Click “Test” button to test SMS sent successfully or not.

▲There are 5 phone numbers in the list at most.

System shutdown protection

System shutdown protection: protect system shutdown safely before UPS output shutdown when AC fails. Safely shut down server and the applications running on server to avoid damage.

Software can shut down the local computer communicating with UPS, and also can shut down the remote computer whose input is from UPS output.

Local computer shutdown protection

Local computer shutdown protection: Safely shut down the computer communicating with UPS before UPS output is shut down. Click “shutdown parameter” item of “Device” menu to open “shutdown settings” dialog, please refer to figure 3.5.1.

Select the checkbox of “System”, and then select system hibernation or shutdown.

If user selects “Shutdown” to protect computer, software will shut down computer once condition is met. If select “Hibernation” to protect computer, software will hibernate computer once condition is met.

Run command file before shutdown, the function means that software will run the command file before system shutdown. Select the checkbox of “Run command file before shutdown” and add the correct path of the command file by “Browse” button. Please make sure the command file can be executed normally on the system before setting the file path to software.

▲In earlier versions of Windows all services run in Session 0 along with applications. This situation poses a security risk. In Windows Vista, and later versions of Windows, the operating system isolates services in Session 0 and runs applications in other sessions. Our software Agent is run in Session 0 so if a command file launches a .exe that .exe will be launched in Session 0 and not visible to the logged in users. In this situation, user must select the non-service option of the run mode in “shutdown settings” dialog to run command file normally.

▲About UPS output shutdown setting and shutdown condition please refer to section 3.3.4 and section 3.3.8

▲If the UPS has load segment function, user can set system powered by which one load segment in “Shutdown Settings” dialog, software will shut down system before load segment shutdown.


Figure 3.5.1

Remote computer shutdown protection

Remote computer shutdown protection: software installed on local computer will send shutdown command to safely shut down the remote computers before UPS output is shut down.

Settings of local computer communicating with UPS:

When software wants to shut down the remote computer, software communicating with UPS should set the condition and the IP address of remote to shut down remote computer, when the condition is met, software will send shutdown command to remote computer. For example: if the remote computers IP are User can set the remote computers shutdown condition by “Add” button. Please refer to figure User can select the shutdown condition and then modify or delete the condition by “Modify” button and “Delete” button.


Settings of remote computer:

The same software should be installed on remote computer to accept shutdown command. Click “shutdown parameter” item of “Device” menu to open “shutdown settings” dialog, and then set “remote shut down by agent” and add remote computer IP communicating with UPS to accept remote shutdown command. For example: if computer accepts the remote shutdown command from remote computer (IP address is The setting is as figure User can set the delay time to shut down computer after receiving shutdown command from remote computer according to actual condition. The default value of delay time is 0. That means computer will shut down immediately when receiving shutdown command from remote computer.


Remote monitoring Device

Install software on different computer to monitor remote device

▲The network should be OK between remote computer and local computer, user can use “ping” command to check network ok or not.

Note: the software installed on different computer should be the same version.

User can install software on different computer to view remote UPS on the network. For the computer with IPv4, all the computers with software in the same LAN will be shown on the LAN node automatically, and the UPS communicating with computer also will be shown below the computer name node. User can select remote UPS node to view the detail information. Please refer to figure



If the computer with IPv4 is not in the same LAN, the remote computer should be added on the WAN node via the “Monitor Remote Device” item of “Monitor” menu. Input the IP address of remote computer to add. Please refer to figure


The remote computer name will be shown below the WAN node if the remote computer is added OK, User can select remote UPS node to view the detail information. Please refer to figure



If software installed on remote computer accepts remote control, the check box of “accept remote control” is selected. Please refer to figure

If software installed on remote computer doesn’t accept remote control, the check box of “accept remote control” is not selected. Please refer to figure





If the remote computer accepts remote control, select computer node, click “Act as Administrator” item of “System” menu to become software administrator, user can view UPS detail information, and also can configure remote UPS parameter setting, remote computer shutdown, and notification methods.

If the remote computer doesn’t accept remote control, select the remote computer node, you will find “Act as Administrator” item of “System” menu is grey, user can’t become software administrator, only can view UPS detail information, but can’t configure remote UPS parameter setting, remote computer shutdown, and notification methods.

Webserver Function

Note: the OS should support JDK 1.7 at least, or the software won’t work normally.

Software supports webserver function. User can view device status and operate battery test via mobile phone.

Input the web address: http://IP address:8888, such as UPS list will be shown. Please refer to figure User also can scan the QR code to access to web address with the browser scanning function. User should click “View Server URL” item of “Monitor” menu to get QR code. Note: if computer is configured with two or more network card, there will be a IP list displayed after user click “View Server URL” item of “Monitor” menu. To get the QR code, User should click every IP and try to get correct QR code.

The default webserver port is 8888, if the port is in use by other software, user should click “Web Server Control” item of “Monitor” menu to open “Web Server Control” dialog, and change port to make sure webserver function work normally.

Click the “Language” item to change the language.

Click UPS name in the UPS list, the detail information about the UPS will be shown. The detail information includes UPS input, output, battery parameter, the two latest event and UPS status. Please refer to figure

Click the “Home” item in UPS detail information page to return the UPS list page.

Click the “Contorl” item in UPS detail information page to operate battery test. Please refer to figure For local UPS, user should input the password of agent and then set battery test task, please refer to section 3.1.1 to get the default password.

image image image

Figure Figure

APP Function

Software supports APP function. User should download software APP in google paly or APP store, and install it on phone. About software APP icon, Please refer to figure



User can view device status, current alarm, the latest history event, and operate battery test via mobile phone.

Input the server address: http://IP address:8888, such as UPS list will be shown. Please refer to figure User also can scan the QR code of server to access to server address with the browser scanning function. User should click “View Server URL” item of “Monitor” menu to get QR code. Note: if computer is configured with two or more network card, there will be a IP list displayed after user click “View Server URL” item of “Monitor” menu. To get the QR code, User should click every IP and try to get correct QR code.

The default server port is 8888, if the port is in use by other software, user should click “Web Server Control” item of “Monitor” menu to open “Web Server Control” dialog, and change port to make sure APP function work normally.

If user sets “Auto Connect” as “ON”, the server address won’t be re-input after the first time. If “Auto Connect” is “OFF”, the server address should be re-input when user wants to use APP again.

Click the “Language” item to change the language.

Click UPS name in the UPS list (refer to figure, the real-time data about the UPS will be shown. The detail information includes UPS input, output, battery parameter and UPS status. Please refer to figure User can click “Load” or “Bat” button for detail information about load or battery.

Click the “Alarm” item on the bottom, current alarm information will be shown.

Click the “History” item on the bottom, history event will be shown. The number of all the events is no more than 50 in APP. For more history, user should refer to the event log of software installed on server.

Click the “Control” item on the bottom to operate battery quick test. Please refer to figure For local UPS, user should input the password of agent and then set battery test, please refer to section 3.1.1 to get the default password. For SNMP UPS, APP will link to the SNMP test page for setting battery test.

image image image image
Figure Figure Figure Figure
When the UPS event occurs, there will be APP message notification pushed on user phone. About APP message notification function, user needs to set the phone to enable notification message sent and allow the APP software to run in the background.

For example, Huawei mate 8 mobile phone with Android 6.0 OS, users need to set as the following figures.

image image image
SNMP centralized monitoring

The SNMP centralized monitoring function can monitor the status of UPS with SNMP card located in different regions. Even if user is thousands of miles away, when the abnormal event of UPS happens, software will inform user of the abnormal event by sending SMS, E-mail, pop-up warning dialog. Thus, user can keep abreast of UPS status and prevent the damage caused by UPS abrupt shutdown.

Notice: software only can monitor the status of UPS with SNMP card, it can’t shut down UPS output and shut down computer. When user wants to control UPS or protect computer, please refer to the user manual of SNMP card to learn the setting.

Application architecture diagram, please refer to figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7


Figure 3.7.1

Select SNMP node, and click “Act as Administrators” item of “System” menu, Figure 3.7.1.

Initial default password is “Administrator”.

User can modify the password by click “Modify Administrator Password” item.

▲SNMP administrator password and local agent password are the same.

Area management

Act as SNMP Administrator, Click “Add Area” item of “SNMP” menu, there will be a dialog box pop-up for setting the area information. “Add Area” dialog box shown as figure 3.7.2.

Figure 3.7.2

Input geographic location information in “area” text box, where UPS with SNMP card located at, such as Beijing, Shanghai and other location.

User can select SNMP node, and click right mouse button to select “Add area”. There will be a dialog box pop-up as figure 3.7.2, so you can make the area added.

After adding area successfully, the area name will be shown below the SNMP node in the tree diagram. Select area name and click right mouse button, user can modify or delete area. Of course, user can also select the “Modify area” or “Delete area” item of “SNMP” menu to modify or delete area.

UPS management

Act as SNMP Administrator, Click “Search Device” item of “SNMP” menu, there will be a dialog box pop-up for adding the UPS information. “Search Device” dialog box shown as figure Input the start IP address and end IP address, software will search SNMP UPS and add them under SNMP node.


When the UPS is added successfully, the communication with software is OK. Select the UPS name, you can see the UPS flow diagram, and the detailed parameter information of the UPS, please refer to figure



Select the UPS name, and click the right mouse button, user can modify or delete UPS. Of course, user can also select the “Modify device” or “Delete device” item of “SNMP” menu to modify or delete UPS.

Click the link in the UPS list, linked to the monitored SNMP Card Web, please refer to figure


SNMP event log

Act as SNMP Administrator, click “SNMP Event Log” item of “SNMP” Menu, there will be a dialog box pop-up. Please refer to Figure


Click “Export” button to export all alarm event.

SNMP event record maximum length can be set. Act as SNMP Administrator, Click “Event Log Setting” item of “SNMP” Menu, there will be a dialog pop-up, as Figure The default value is 5000, Maximum can be set 100000.

When the record exceeds the maximum, Software will delete the oldest event to record a new event automatically.


SNMP Trap Receiving Port Setting

Click “SNMP Trap Receiving Port Setting” item of “SNMP” Menu to open “SNMP Trap Receiving Port Setting” dialog. User can set SNMP trap receiving port. The default port is 162.


Figure 3.7.5


Temperature unit

User can select temperature unit according to personal habit, click “Temp” item of “Preference” menu to select: Centigrade (C) or Fahrenheit (F).

Date format

User can select date format, click “DateFormat” item of “Preference” menu to select: year/month/day, month/day/year or day/month/year.

Bottom Image

User can set different by clicking “BottomImage” item of “Preference” menu.

Advance Settings

User can set the attribute of software interface and the attribute of bottom image by clicking “Advance Settings” item of “Preference” menu.


Software supports many kinds of languages: “English”, “German”, “French”, “Italian”, “Spanish”, “Polish”, “Turkish”, “Russian”, “Portuguese”, “Japanese” and “Thai”, user can change language via “Language” menu.

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