Frequently Asked Question

An EPO Alarm (Emergency Power Off)

Last Updated 5 years ago
The EPO is not a UPS failure alarm, it is a condition-triggered alarm.

EPO (Emergency Power Off) also known as RPO (Remote Power Off) is used for remote emergency shutdown of the load. Simple activation method allows easy integration into safety installation circuit, usually providing emergency shut down button at the entrance of the building. EPO should not be used for normal operation shutdown. After activating the EPO, loads will be switched off and the LCD will display “EPO” alarm. To release UPS from EPO status, please deactivate the EPO contacts (i.e. by releasing EPO button in electrical installation) and press OFF button for 10s* to release the alarm.

Hint: Leave the green EPO connector installed in the EPO port of the UPS even if the EPO function is not need. Remove the small cable from EPO connector. You will avoid losing the small connector.

By default the contact is set to NO (Normally Open), which means you need to open the circuit by removing the plug or at least removing the cable bridging the plug in order to allow normal operation of the UPS. Since the contact can be set to NC (Normally Closed), please also consider alternatively that your UPS may require opposite action - placing the plug with bridged contacts into the connector. If you specifically need to change the polarity NO/NC, please contact our service support.

Hint: While trying to deactivate EPO status on new unit, please consider both scenarios: NC and NO, as your UPS might be set to either.

* please note that different models may have different procedure to deactivate the EPO. In case of doubts, please read the manual.

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