osTicketSession Object
    [name:osTicketSession:private] => OSTSESSID
    [backend:osTicketSession:private] => osTicket\Session\NoopSessionStorageBackend Object
            [options:protected] => Array
                    [session_ttl] => 1440
                    [api_session] => 
                    [callbacks] => Array
                            [close] => Array
                                    [0] => osTicketSession Object
                                    [1] => onClose



            [callbacks:osTicket\Session\AbstractSessionHandler:private] => Array
                    [close] => Array
                            [0] => osTicketSession Object
                            [1] => onClose


            [isnew:osTicket\Session\AbstractSessionHandler:private] => 
            [isapi:osTicket\Session\AbstractSessionHandler:private] => 
            [ttl:osTicket\Session\AbstractSessionHandler:private] => 1440
            [maxlife:osTicket\Session\AbstractSessionHandler:private] => 
            [secondary:protected] => 

    [ttl:osTicketSession:private] => 1440
BlueWalker Technical Support

Frequently Asked Question

A fan is too loud

Last Updated 5 years ago
Unfortunately, at the moment none of our UPSs offer manual fan control. Please remember that the UPSs are power converters and, as such, they are continuously conducting current, which is creating heat. For that reason, all online UPSs will have a fan running continuously.

Most of the line interactive UPSs in range 1500-3000VA will also have a fan, but this technology allows to switch it off in optimal conditions (i.e. stable input, battery fully charged, low load). Smaller units do not require fan at all and are noiseless. VI 1500-2200 STL require continous cooling, regardless of the conditions.

For more details about fan logic (i.e. conditions under which it stops), please check a product page of the selected device.

If the fan is running on a temporary basis, your UPS might just have entered AVR mode:

If you suspect that your fan is too loud because of a failure, please contact our service support. Please kindly record a movie, where we can hear a background noise (UPS is off) and then turn on the UPS. This will help us to assess the condition.

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