osTicketSession Object
    [name:osTicketSession:private] => OSTSESSID
    [backend:osTicketSession:private] => osTicket\Session\NoopSessionStorageBackend Object
            [options:protected] => Array
                    [session_ttl] => 1440
                    [api_session] => 
                    [callbacks] => Array
                            [close] => Array
                                    [0] => osTicketSession Object
                                    [1] => onClose



            [callbacks:osTicket\Session\AbstractSessionHandler:private] => Array
                    [close] => Array
                            [0] => osTicketSession Object
                            [1] => onClose


            [isnew:osTicket\Session\AbstractSessionHandler:private] => 
            [isapi:osTicket\Session\AbstractSessionHandler:private] => 
            [ttl:osTicket\Session\AbstractSessionHandler:private] => 1440
            [maxlife:osTicket\Session\AbstractSessionHandler:private] => 
            [secondary:protected] => 

    [ttl:osTicketSession:private] => 1440
BlueWalker Technical Support

Frequently Asked Question

The installer cannot be launched

Last Updated 5 years ago

Before launching the PowerMaster installer, you must change its access permission on the installer. You must have executable permission on the Power Master installer; otherwise the message “Permission Denied” will be displayed.

Run the below example command to change its permission of the 32-bit installer on 32-bit Linux platform.
sudo chmod u+x is the version number of Power Master.)

Run the below example command to change its permission of the 64-bit installer on 64-bit Linux platform.
sudo chmod u+x is the version number of Power Master.)

After the permission of the Power Master installer is changed, the installation procedure will be allowed to launch.

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