Question fréquemment posée

The web interface is displayed abnormally due to large or tiny size on Google Chrome.

Dernière mise à jour il y a 5 ans
It is caused by the default settings for minimum font size on the Google Chrome. Verify the below steps to improve the web pages due to font size:

  • Close the Chrome first. Find the preference file located at Users\User_Name \AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences in Windows 7/8/10.
  • Use the text editor to open preference file. You will find the keyword “webkit:” in the file and insert minimum_font_size and minimum_logic_font_size in the below example:


“webprefs”: {


“default_font_size”: 16,

"fixed_font_family": "Courier New",

“minimum_font_size”: 10 ,

“minimum_logical_font_size”: 10




Set both minimum_font_size and minimum_logic_font_sizeto 10 in order to display the pages normally. Save the preference file and launch the Chrome again to access Power Master software.

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